Which Business Central Deployment Option you should choose?

By | June 21, 2023

When considering the deployment options for Dynamics 365 Business Central, it’s essential to evaluate your organization’s specific needs, resources, and priorities. Also, here are the three primary deployment options available for Dynamics 365 Business Central, each with its own advantages and considerations.

Which Business Central Deployment Option you should choose?

Business Central Deployment Options

Cloud-Based Deployment (Software as a Service – SaaS):

Cloud-based deployment is the most popular and recommended option for Dynamics 365 Business Central. With this option, your Business Central instance is hosted and managed by Microsoft in the cloud. Some benefits of cloud-based deployment include:

  • Easy setup and scalability: Microsoft takes care of infrastructure setup, maintenance, and updates, allowing you to focus on your business rather than IT management. The cloud offers scalability, enabling you to adjust resources based on your needs.
  • Accessibility and mobility: Cloud-based Business Central allows users to access the system securely from anywhere with an internet connection, providing flexibility for remote work and collaboration.
  • Automatic updates and enhancements: Microsoft rolls out regular updates and feature enhancements for cloud-based Business Central, ensuring that you have access to the latest functionalities without the need for manual upgrades.
  • Data security and backups: Cloud providers like Microsoft offer robust security measures, data encryption, and regular backups to protect your data.

On-Premises Deployment:

On-premises deployment involves installing and managing Business Central on your own local servers or data centers. Some considerations for this deployment option include the following:

  • Control and customization: On-premises deployment provides greater control over your environment, allowing for more extensive customizations and integration options.
  • IT infrastructure requirements: You need to have the necessary IT infrastructure, including servers, network infrastructure, and dedicated IT staff to manage and maintain the system.
  • Upgrades and updates: With on-premises deployment, you are responsible for performing system upgrades and applying updates manually, which may require additional time and resources.
  • Accessibility limitations: On-premises deployments may limit accessibility outside the local network, making it less flexible for remote work and collaboration.

Hybrid Deployment:

A hybrid deployment option combines the best of both worlds by leveraging both cloud and on-premises environments. This approach allows you to keep sensitive or critical data on-premises while leveraging the scalability and mobility benefits of the cloud for other aspects of your business. Some considerations for hybrid deployment include the following:

  • Data segregation: Careful planning is require to determine which data resides in the cloud and which remains on-premises, ensuring data security and compliance.
  • Integration complexity: Integrating on-premises and cloud-based systems may require additional effort and expertise to ensure seamless data flow and synchronization.
  • Flexibility and scalability: Hybrid deployment offers flexibility, allowing you to scale cloud resources based on demand while keeping critical data on-premises.

Ultimately, the best deployment option for Dynamics 365 Business Central depends on your organization’s specific requirements, resources, and preferences. Cloud-based deployment (SaaS) is often recommended for its ease of use, scalability, and accessibility, but on-premises and hybrid options can be viable alternatives for organizations with unique needs or specific data security concerns.

For more information and a tailored demonstration contact us today at Metaoption.

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