How MetaDocs Can Help You Streamline Document Management in Business Central

By | May 25, 2024

MetaDocs is a document management add-on that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. It offers a variety of features that can help businesses streamline their document management processes and improve efficiency.

How MetaDocs Can Help You Streamline Document Management in Business Central

How MetaDocs Can Help You Streamline Document Management

  • Centralized Document Storage: MetaDocs provides a central repository for all of your business documents, eliminating the need for multiple filing systems or folders. This makes it easy for users to find the documents they need quickly and easily.

  • Drag-and-Drop Functionality: MetaDocs allows users to drag and drop electronic documents directly into Business Central records. This eliminates the need for manual file uploads and saves time.

  • Document Scanning and Optical Character Recognition (OCR): MetaDocs can scan paper documents and convert them into electronic files that can be indexed and searched. This makes it easy to find information in scanned documents.

  • Document Workflow Automation: MetaDocs can automate document workflows, such as approvals and routing. This can help to improve efficiency and ensure that documents are processed promptly.

  • Secure Document Management: MetaDocs provides secure document storage with role-based access control. This ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive documents.

  • Improved Collaboration: MetaDocs can improve collaboration by allowing users to share documents easily with colleagues.

  • Audit Trails: MetaDocs provides audit trails that track all document activity. This can be helpful for compliance purposes.

Additional Features of MetaDocs – Document Management System:

  • Upload: This feature allows users to upload electronic documents to MetaDocs.
  • Download: This feature allows users to download documents from MetaDocs to their local computers.
  • Download All: This feature allows users to download all of the documents in a selected folder or list.
  • Browse Location: This feature allows users to browse their local file system for documents to upload to MetaDocs.
  • Rename: This feature allows users to rename documents in MetaDocs.
  • View: This feature allows users to view documents in MetaDocs.
  • Delete: This feature allows users to delete documents from MetaDocs.
  • Document Log Entries: This feature shows a list of all of the actions that have been taken on a document in MetaDocs.

By using MetaDocs, businesses can improve their document management processes, save time, and improve efficiency. MetaDocs is a valuable tool for any business that uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

To learn more about MetaDocs, you can visit the MetaOption website or the Microsoft AppSource marketplace.

For more information and a tailored demonstration contact us today at Metaoption.

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