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How to develop workflows in Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Workflows in Microsoft Dynamics CRM are used to automate business processes. They are specifically used to automate tasks that do not require user interaction. Workflows do away with the need of significant amount of coding. The system administrator has the permission to create workflows applicable to records all through the company’s implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Others can create workflows that affect the records they own.

Microsoft Dynamics have two types of processes: workflows and dialogs. Whether a process will be a dialog or a workflow depends upon the process properties which you select. Once a process is defined as workflow the other properties and the process logic which is available will be specific to workflows.

Each workflow requires the following properties

Process Logic

Whatever process logic is added to the workflow will determine the specific action that the workflow will implement on records.

The following steps can be added to workflows.

1. Check Condition-Defines a specific scenario, any actions to be implemented in case of the occurrence of that scenario.

2. Conditional branch– This defines an alternative condition, an action when the criterion in a check condition element is not satisfied.

3. Default action– It defines steps for all cases that do not match the criteria defined in condition or branch element.

4. Wait condition– Enables a background workflow to pause itself till the criterion defined by the condition is satisfied.

5. Parallel wait Branch– This defines an alternative wait condition which has a set of additional steps which are performed only when the initial criterion is satisfied.

6. Custom Step– Developers have the permission to create custom workflow steps that define conditions.

Actions – These define the steps for the work flow to do when the conditions are satisfied. The following steps can be added to the workflow.

Start When– There exist a Start When option in the CRM and the user can check the checkboxes which he wishes to include. They are as follows.

Now you have the required knowledge to create workflows that efficiently and effectively automate the core business process of your organization.

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